Looking for an excuse to get hooked on Paxil? Try going maternity bathing suit shopping. It is Torture. Nevermind that half of my body is in a different zip code, they simply do not make practical bathing suits for expectant moms. I must have tried on 45 suits this morning, each getting progressively uglier than the previous one. As though style was flying far out the window for the sake of coverage. And WHY do they use fluorescent lighting in dressing rooms??? Don't you think that if a store offered fitting rooms by candlelight that you would go nuts, buying all of the items that you look simply radiant in? I do. I was fairly convinced that the poor woman in charge of the Target fitting rooms was going to direct me to the camping gear, suggesting I purchase a tent for my expanding belly. I finally found a basic black one piece that seemed to cover the necessities. It is actually so boring and, really, just ugly but I was blissful to have found something that kept things tucked in, and the euphoria blurred my judgement as I handed over my card to the cashier.
Moving on from that hideous morning ... Matt's vacation ended to day with a family trip to the beach. Along the way we stopped at a hole in the wall burger shack, The Husky Burger, thinking we were like town locals, stopping for grub before our big day at the beach. Well the burgers were pretty good, but the only thing that was Husky was the bill. For that price, I want air conditioning and a waitress named Tina who refills my soda every five minutes. The kids shared a root beer ....

After being robbed by the burger joint, we headed down to "this little beach, sort of tucked away" that I found while roaming Laguna last summer. Well, apparently, lot of people have happened upon this hidden gem of a beach, because it was packed. No worries, we plopped ourselves down next to a group of bikini-clad svelte 20 year olds. Here I am, Shamu on the loose, next to real life Bratz dolls. We unpacked our stuff and took the kids down to the waters edge.
This is where a glimmer of sunshine broke forth from an otherwise rugged day. While watching the kids splash through the waves, I begin to take more notice of the young women we are sitting by.
No, it can't be...
Could it?...
I whisper to Matt...
We both make casual "glances" in their general direction...
"Get a picture!" I shout to Matt as I grab my daughter and head over to their towels. "Hi! Ummmm, I'm sure you get asked this all the time, but, ummmmm, can I get a picture with you guys?" (As a side note, I totally used my daughters cuteness to encourage them to appease me. Do not pretend you have never done the same. It works.)

It's my new BFFs Alex and Alex from Laguna Beach!!! (I almost did not put the picture because I look like a sea lion next to them, but I will sacrifice my dignity for the blog.) The embarrassing part was that while Matt was getting the camera ready, there was a minute where I just kind of stood there with them, saying NOTHING. Like I am mute and dumb. Finally the blonde Alex asked, "So are you from around here?" I should have said, "Yea, Mission Viejo, can't you tell from my make up?" But instead I blundered, "FromAliso.I've seeneveryepisodelike40times!" What a dork. Of all the things I could have asked them, and instead I look like a fanatical moron. Even better, later when the kids were playing in the water, Grace ate it and fell in face first. Matt didn't reach her very quickly, so the blonde Alex bent over and scooped her out of the water. A true philanthropist. So not only am I retarded, but we are also negligent parents! Score!
All in all, we had a great day today, and I am bummed that Matt is heading back to work. We always have so much fun together; I am really thankful for all that we have been blessed with ... family, friends, a beautiful place to call home ... and digital cameras that capture celebrity meetings. Cheese!
Christie! I am cracking up. I love your description of your beach outing. How funny to see the LB girls. Even better to get your picture with them.
Okay. I always get my maternity bathing suits from Old Navy online. It eliminates the disgusting lighting. I just order the size I normally am in their clothes and they always fit fine. The tops are very adjustable, so it works throughout the entire pregnancy. Just a tip.
Oh, and I hate getting ripped off at any restaurant. Drives me nuts.
Thanks for a great post!
I can't believe it. I'm going to that beach for the rest of the summer until I can get a shot with them. By the way, did Matt look like a photographer from TeenVogue because why are they posing like that? Arms extended at hip for lengthening and slimming, chest out, backs straight. You should've put your arm around one of them so you could look more friendly and almost....familial. Both girls look a lot better on your blog than on the show.
And why was it awkward? There are so many things you should've asked them....like.....well, and....Steven on One Tree Hill, and well....oh, I don't know. I just wish I was there.
What a great day. I TOLD you to order a maternity bathing suit from OldNavy.com!! Tonya's right, you can then try it on in the privacy of your own home.
Oh, who cares, you're almost done with summer and then you will never have to worry about a maternity bathing suit again! No fair.
I had to turn of my speakers during the song because I was getting emotional. I think I'll try again.
Christie, That was a great story! I am very envious of you and your "celebrity" encounter. That makes my Jason drive-by so boring. You and your family look cute in all of the pictures!
P.S. Robyn don't be mad that I left a comment for Christie and not you, I loved the post about Trent and the table climbing! What is your record time for paying the bills?
This post is hysterical! I had a fabulous maternity suit when I was pregnant with you - it was orange. (I was the one who inspired Charles Schultz to write the Peanuts' Great Pumpkin story.) Black is always slimming - good choice!
Um, what is that goo on your arm that Grace is staring at? And how old are those girls? They look like teenagers - why in the world did you get tongue-tied ??? Like, wow....
Oh my goodness, I have so many things to say, but I'll keep it short.
1. Tons right! Love old Navy for everything maternity, very affordable and AND, if you buy online it's $5 shipping, if you want to exchange or return you can take it in to any store OR send it with your friendly neighborhood UPS man in the prelabled bag they send with every item and your done! But you have to be in really good with your UPS man to actually get him to do door to door service!
2. I think we should seriously be at that beach all summer to get a picture with everyone LB! You in Rob? It would've been even better if you would've said, "hey if you want to see the picture you should check out my BLOG!" Wouldn't that be awesome to have one of them comment on your blog? That would be better than an autograph. I hope you told Grace how lucky she was to have Alex save her life!!! Now she totally has a childhood story of celebrity encounters, way to start 'em young Christie!
3. You and Matt are so so cute. You look like the hippest, coolest momma! And you look great! Hey has anyone ever told you that Matt looks like a very young version of that guy from "The OC"?
The dad....Peter.....something? Very cute!
4. Robyn...Haha Teen Vogue. I'm going to totally stand like that now in all my pictures.
Okay, not such a short comment!
I can't figure out how to put the Phil video on my blog. I need a tutorial.
Perfect choice for this post and I like the new location.
Why couldn't you throw a dog a bone and give those chicks my number.
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