I am so all about karate right now. Jake started a karate class at the community center. It is cheaper than a dojo (?) but I was worried that it would be some goofy teenagers telling the kids to "hiya!" Oh, no. The class is taught by a full on black belt die hard sensai and his assistant, senpai (sp?). They mean business, and I am plan to financially support their business as long as I get to see the discipline that they require from their students! All joking aside, I am really impressed by the class, and Jake is really enjoying it, which makes me glad. He truly wants to please the teacher, it is so cute. When we got home from the last class he pulled Grace into their room and dressed her in a long white t-shirt. Then he taught her the basic moves he has learned so far. They then came out and performed for us. Here is a lousy shot ... I was too afraid of the sensai myself, so I was trying to be stealth about the photo ...

The kid on the left is Jake, practicing his horse stance.

Checking out the new gi (uniform).
Our 4th was super fun, too. Or should I call it "America's Birthday." After Grace saw all of the decorations in our home, she asked "Whose birthday is it?" Matt told her that it was America's birthday. A couple of hours later, she told us that she was America. We sang happy birthday to America, and she made us call her America all afternoon. It would have been funny if she were not dead serious. When you have to ask your three year old, "Who am I talking to now?" it causes concern.
Anyway, my parents came over and we all went to the neighborhood pool. Grandpa and Daddy played with the kids while Grandma and Mommy convinced each other that all of the skinny bikini ladies are really miserable in life.

And.....that's my dad......
So, then we then feasted on BBQ and played games. Oh, and chowed on cake. I have been dreaming about it since Easter, I love
this cake so much.

After my parents left we went to watch the fireworks. That was really fun. Usually I am not a huge fan of big crowds but something about the 4th makes it different. I know it is cheesy, but I kept looking around at all of the people, thinking about how lucky, lucky, lucky we are to live in such an amazing country. I hope I can teach my kids to be thankful that they are in a place where they have so many more opportunities than most kids in the world.

Look, Grace, err, America already knows!

Jake looks so grown-up in his karate gear. How often does he have class? So fun! I love the picture of your dad in the pool, what a handsome walrus. Your cake looks so good. Maybe you should make one for the next girls night!
P.S. Matt looks super cute in the last picture. You have a cute family!
What cute pictures. I didn't know Jake was in karate! That's so cool. I love the picture of Matt with Liberty, America, or Grace. I noticed you opted to put all the strawberries face down on your cake. Mmmm. It looks a lot better that way. But did you put 50 blueberries on it? Let's be politically correct, okay? Ha! Thanks for the great cake idea!
Jake's sensai does look very serious! Glad you found the class - your community center really comes through with good stuff for the kids to do!
Thanks again for the great 4th party! Matt did a great job with the barbeque, and you did a great job with everything else!
Too bad you couldn't get a shot of your father with the pink goggles and the "tusks"! And those skinny girls I am sure are all miserable in life.....no flag cakes for them! Ha!
Sybil, uh I mean Grace sure was cute with the "America bit". I wonder if she was expecting presents!
Hey Christie! I meant to thank you for the last bag of clothes! They are so cute. I love the vests and the sweet polo jacket. Although, I think I might give that to my sister Dana because I think it will be too small for Taylor by winter. My sister lives in Utah and will be able to use it more. Her daughter is 1 year old.
You and your family are all so tan. Looks like you've been outdoors all summer so far.
How is the pregnancy going?
Wait, what's with the "Bad Boys" song? Do tell....
Looks like you guys had a great 4th! I have heard that karate is great at teaching the kids discipline. Funny how everyone made the blueberry strawberry cake.
Who's the "bad boy"? We had that exact same cake!
Isn't fun to just hang with the fam? Glad you had a great day.
Hey I've been meaning to ask you when your due date is again?
The bad boys reference will have to remain a mystery ... for now!
Jen, I am due on 9/11. What can I tell the doctor to get her to induce, say, a week early? Someone told me to say that I can't breathe b/c the baby is all up in my stuff. What do you think? Can't you see that I am really patient??? I had to be induced both times beofre too!
HMMMM, I guess that might work. You'd have to ask Ton though, she might know a bit more being the labor nurse and all.
Plus, you're asking the premature rupture girl herself. I wish I would've had to be induced!
Don't worry I think with your third, maybe you'll just go early.
I'm so excited for you though, it's getting close.
Wait, was Jake being a bad boy, or was it Matt, OR was little baby boy misbehaving already?
Matt needs to teach Jake how to armbar people so that he never gets picked on at school.
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