Friday, May 09, 2008


So it is 5:00 on Friday, and the kids are mesmerized, and I mean in a trance! By this:


(How funny that Matt has a similar reaction when her show is on, but for other reasons not pertaining to today's blog post. Also, did you know that her hubby is a designer for Anthropologie? Makes you hate her even more, right? Me too. Even though she seems like she is very nice and sweet, and maybe could she be my best friend? And get me some free dishes and a pretty apron?)


Christie's Mom said...

Who or what is Giada? Sounds like a dessert. Is this the latest New-Age Martha Stewart show or something???

Christie said...

Mom. You are dating yourself.

Jen said...

I'm sorry but I don't trust Hot, skinny,perky busted chefs to make anything that tastes remotely edible.....and really she's just not that fact she kinda looks like a troll!

AAAAAAAhhhh, that made e feel better, thanks Christie!