So, the other day I had an appointment (35 weeks) with my kind, loving, humor filled doctor. (Humor filled meaning when she tells me to get more rest, it is a laughable idea. Hasn't she met my daughter?) Anyway, I have been having a lot of uncomfortable Braxton Hicks contractions, so she wanted to check me to see if I was dilating. I'm not, BUT the baby is supposedly "very low" (I think she said at -2 station) and I am 50% effaced. She seemed surprised by how low down the baby was, and since she doesn't seem like the most emotional doctor in the practice, I seriously thought the baby was crowning on the exam table. Come to find out, I still have a few more stations to go. (Even though Dr. said she would like me to go to week 36-37...?) Now, I do NOT want to have a preemie baby, but I am really skeptical that I will go early since Jake and Grace were both coaxed out with Pitocin at 41 weeks. The idea of having a chubby little healthy boy at 38 weeks does sound nice, though. Tonya, I will pay you $50 if you tell me that that is what you see in my future! Also, what is a "very post cervix"? I got me one of those, too. Oh, and what is stripping the membranes, and is there a Do It Yourself kit for that? (Kidding! Kind of...?)
Now, before I have this baby I need to find a pediatrician. We have been at SeaView since Jake was born, but we keep getting jerked around by their staff. Doctors leave, and they never tell us. I was talking to my Dr., and she said that Dr. J. and Dr. K. from SeaView are really good. I am hesitant to stay on with SeaView at all. Jen, your opinion? Don't you come into contact with lots of peds when you do post care? Any recommendations?
I can't believe only 5-6 weeks, tops, and we will have 3 kids! Crazy! Thanks to the RN bloggers - it's nice to have the sounding board!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Shout Out to my Nurse Blogger Friends ... Boring to Most Everyone Else!
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Have Matt order Schezwan, and go run around the block. That should do the trick.
Seriously though, you have to wait until after our back-to-school shopping spree the week of the 20th...
Okay, for my $50, my best guess is that you won't be delivering at 36-37 weeks. My guess is more like 40 since Jake and Grace had to be evicted.
I think she probably said your cervix is "posterior". Basically, your cervix is pointing back to your butt instead of the ground (if you are standing). All most all women start out this way. It just means they have to reach around the baby's head to feel your cervix.
Stripping of the membranes is when the dr seperates the bag of waters from the top or your cervix. This can stimulate labor. Worked like a charm for me with all 3 boys. My dr did it on Friday and my first was born on Monday, the other two on Sunday! It's a tiny bit uncomfortable, but WELL worth it if your body is ready.
Okay, moving on to the Pediatrician. I HIGHLY recommend our ped. Ask Robyn who he is. He is all about the tough love, but incredibly throuough. One of the girls we work with's baby is up at CHOC, has been in the PICU up there and he goes up there nearly everyday to see him. He's so great. Dr. J and Dr. K are great and I would be very comfortable with either of them taking care of my kids, too.
Anyway, that is my 2 cents worth.
What the... I'm not used to you posting so soon after your last one.
First, You sound so excited and happy and well... I'm glad!
My bet is that you'll do a little walking (please, no running), have a little "fun" and I'll say 39weeks! (please don't do any of the above until you are at least 38 weeks) Hey, where's my $50 ???
OH, you could also try pumping (once you are term ofcourse) to get labor started. But not sure it will work if you have such a cervix of steel!
So pediatricians, I LOVE MY Ped, like Tonya said, especially after everything he did for our friend. He's tough love when your kid is healthy and normal, but when something is going on, he's way compassionate and very attentive. But he's way out here. Not very realistic when you have a newborn and 2 other little punks to drag around.
If you have to stay with SEAVIEW, or just want to, DR. K is my pick along with DR. J. However, I think that Dr.J is on maternity leave still. I know you HAVE TO pick her from the beginning in order to claim her for your ped though. I've heard that she doesn't take you as her pt unless she's seen you from birth!
Good luck and keep us posted!
Is 38 weeks full term? I definitely don't want him born too early, as impatient as I sound. I think my doctor must think I am so selfish b/c every visit I am asking about induction. I am just excited!
Mom and Grandma, stop reading now.
Jen, my doctor told me to stop having "fun". But, I have heard from numerous people that "fun" is a good way to go into labor. Is that really true? Maybe I should start having more "fun" at 38 weeks?
Also, Jen, I can tell that you said 39 weeks to be nice ... I know both you and Tonya know it will be 67 weeks before he is born.
Tonya, how many weeks were you when they stripped your membranes?
I wish I could get your ped. out in RSM, but it probably isn't very practical. Maybe I'll try Dr. K. With my luck, he will retire before the baby's third well visit!
I hope you guys don't mind me asking so many questions! It is kind of fun (but not that kind of "fun") to have my own nursing staff!
Also, I can't see either of your blogs ... it just says all over it...?
Oh my gosh, he does.
If your doctor told you to stop having "fun" than listen to her!!!
But ask her if there is anything you can do on your own ONCE YOU'RE TERM, to get labor started. Then go from there. You'll see her once a week at least right, so if your a pain in her butt, maybe she'll want you to go into labor as badly as you do just to get you out of her hair HA HA HA!
Don't listen to me I'm just a measley Post Partum nurse who went into pre-term labor with mine!Plus, I only have a nursing license not an MD after my name. I'd like to keep my license, thank you! HAHAHA!
40 weeks is FULL TERM! But I know many a preggers who want to deliver at 38 weeks and the dr's are okay with it!
Dr. K is AWESOME and such a good guy too! I don't think he'll be going anywhere soon. He has all those babies in his house that he needs to support now too!
Hang in! It's almost here!!!!I can't wait to see the little boogers face!
Oh and I don't mind AT ALL!!!
It is fun(in a good way)!
I was 38 weeks and 3 days when she stripped my membranes and had all of the boys at 38 weeks and 5 days.
C'mon Grimace, how about a new blog entry???
are you still preggers?
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