Friday, August 10, 2007

Breakfast Time!

This is nuts. Watch til the end.


Christie's Mom said...

This is hilarious! They look like piranhas, and she feeds them like chickens!

Jen said...

I am totally grossed out. That looked like a seen from Pet cemetary or something. I thought they were going to start eating the lady! Glad I don't have to clean that litter box!

Christie's Mom said...

Hahaha Jen! You are so right - I didn't even think of the litter box! Ew! She must have a bulldozer or backhoe in the back.

Christie said...

Jen, I love that my email tells me that "I'm Jen!" left a comment! The poo must be out of control. Haha Pet Cemetary! Ummm, Mom, do you remember when those people at Savon followed me around b/c they thought I was in Pet Cemetary?! I am so celebrity-like.

JEN! What is up with your blog?! It is covered in a message from photo-bucket!

Jen said...

I have NO idea. It was totally fine last night when I posted then this's absurd. Even the sight that I got it from is all messed up. I hope they clear it up soon because I really liked the template. Ton's is the same way. I'll give them until Monday.

The "I'm Jen" bugs me. I've been meaning to change it. But since you enjoy it so much, I'll leave it.

Okay confession, I've never actually seen Pet Cemetary (because I would have to watch a Disney movie after it in order to get any sleep that night). Scary movies give me the Heebbie Jeebies.
But I get the concept of Pet cemetary and that's what that video reminded me of. Do you look like someone in the movie? I hope your character lived in the movie.

Whew long comment.

Tonya said...

Umm, yeah. SO gross. I can barely handle our ONE cat. Does anyone want her? She's very soft. And a bit psycho.

What? Something's wrong with my blog? It seems okay to me? Jen, your's looks the same too. Hmm, maybe they fixed whatever was wrong.