Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Totally Unrelated Randomness

1. Why did Grace fall asleep like this last night?

(That is her head sticking out from under the bed.)

2. I hate folding laundry.

3. I am feeling very impatient during this pregnancy. I am trying to enjoy it because this will be the last one, but I am such a worry wart that I can't relax til I see the little guy. I still have nine more weeks. That is unless Tonya tells me how to trick Dr. A. into inducing me, say, a week early .... ? I am thankful to be feeling good, and thankful that Nathan is such an active little guy he lets me know that he is doing okay in there.

4. Did you know that Nathan was his name? Matt got a new t.v. a while back, and suddenly decided (that very day) that he liked the name Nathan! Marriage is all about compromise, no?

5. This is ridiculous. I just saw a woman with this stroller the other day. I hope that if I was able to dump a grand on a stroller that I would do something more worthwhile with my money. I'm just saying.

6. You know what else bugs? (Feeling hormonal anyone?) Why do Pottery Barn catalogs show books that are backward in the bookcase??? Has anyone else noticed that?

7. Grace is losing it. She has an imaginary friend named Tasha. Tasha lives in the mountains with baby jaguar and her mom. Tasha's mom has a baby in her tummy too. Tasha has a bunny, goes to our church, and likes to eat at Panda Express. Anything we do, Tasha has done. Jake likes to tell Grace that Tasha is not real, as to provoke a screaming fit from his sister. We do not know where Tasha came from, we can only guess...
8. Legos are fun.

9. I was looking through old pictures on my computer and found this one of my mom. She just looks so happy, so at home. If home is the Starship Enterprise. Don't call her a trekkie, either. It is Trekker.

10. Remember the Ho shirt Mom?

11. I just ran a spellcheck on this blog, and Trekker is a legit word by Blogger's account. What is the world coming to?


Anonymous said...
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Christie said...

Nice try.

Christie's Mom said...

First off, that picture of Grace under the bed is hilarious! Maybe Tasha sleeps under there?? Nice to see a healthy imagination! Now if Tasha and "America" start communicating...uh....

NO ONE likes folding laundry....

I KNEW that photo of me would show up. For the record, I am standing with an Andorian. Yes, thats right...Andorian...from the planet Andoria. It took me years to embrace my trekkerness, but after I "came out", I feel much better! Why worry about what others think? (okay, well I wouldn't wear my Star Fleet Academy T-shirt to the mall...but around the house is okay!)

Nathan is a great name, and we can't wait to see the little guy!
Do you suppose your nurse will want to talk about coupons with me while you are laying in the bed whining like with Jake? You know, you could have kept it down....I was struggling to hear about her coupon experiences....

Robyn said...

$1000 for a stroller? What is the world coming to? It better be able to hold a child until he graduates from college.

I don't really know why Grace climbed under her bed and fell asleep like that. Maybe she was pretending she was a bear sleeping in a cave. She is a funny girl.

I've never noticed the backwards books in the Pottery Barn catalog because I'm too busy wondering what books those kids are reading in the catalogs. Trent's children's books look nothing like that. His are thin, colorful, and torn apart. Also, who is buying the giant wooden paper clips for $29 each? I'll drive you to Staples and grab you a box for .29.

Jen said...

WOW! I am speechless and laughing hysterically at the same time! Is that possible?

Hey at least she wasn't sleeping in the dresser drawers, right? Then I'd be worried.

Me too on the Laundry.

Nathan? NICE!!! I can't wait to see the little guy either! Don't worry about a thing! I'm telling you, every little thing is going to be...fine (you thought I was going to say alright,haha.)

Marriage is about compromise!

$1000.00 seriously?

Christie's Mom- I'll bring my coupon purse thing and we can swap right there in the labor room. As long as we don't contaminate the sterile field, it's cool! You don't mind right Christie?

LEGOS are fun, I want to get some for Makena when she gets old enough to play with them.

AND no you haven't posted that video before. That's a classic!

Jen said...
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Jen said...

I just have to ask, and you can say no, But can I please come to your next family reunion.

I just read the banter from the post about the spirit shirt.....nearly peeeeeeed my pants!

Anonymous said...

As I sit here at my computer wearing my T-shirt emblazoned with a large picture of a fearsome Yoda wielding a lightsaber superimposed over the word "JUSTICE!" (in capital letters), I feel I must respond to your latest entry.

1. Grace and Tasha are under the bed communing with the (dust) bunnies.

2. Tasha is real. Haven't you read your Stephen Hawking! The cosmos is composed of tiny strings which loop in and out in 11 dimensions. Tasha lives in a parallel universe which only a privileged few can enter (usually the innocent of heart). The entrance to the wormhole is under Grace's bed (and the dust bunnies stand guardian).

3. Speaking of other universes, WHICH ONE is the alien in that Trekkie (sorry, it's Trekkie to me) photo?

4. We LOVE Nathan's name. But when he is born and you joyfully cry out "Nathan," he probably will just scream. And in a few years he will get real sick of hearing "Nathan (middle name - what is it?) Hobson!" in a loud, scolding, parental voice.

5. Disregard any bozos who engage in "coupon chatter" during your delivery. Insist on scented candles, an acoustic guitarist, flowers, and an acupunturist. Throw out of the room anyone who (a) tells you to look at a focal point or (b) talks about anything other than how brave and wonderful you are.

6. Children derive no benefit from a book unless it is torn and smeared with slobber (human or pet; either is OK).

7. Legos are fun.

8. I wear my Yoda T-shirt EVERYWHERE. Us Star Wars folks STAND TALL and WALK PROUD (unlike poor, embarrassed, middle-aged Trekkies).

Love U!


Christie's Mom said...

...poor, embarrassed, middle-aged Trekkies

HA! THIS IS WAR. First off BIG (OLDER)sis, its Trekkers NOT trekkies. AND Yoda is a small rat-like PUPPET who can't possibly measure up to the superior characters in Star Trek.

And just for the record, I DID wear my Star Fleet Academy t-shirt to Stater Brothers once. I had so many people comment on it, that the aisles were becoming jammed. (well, it was 2 people, but STILL) And the guy who lives a few doors down told me all about his Star Trek Club in high school. There are more Trekkers out there than you realize. Just wait until December 2008, when Star Trek XI comes out! WooEeee! JJ Abrams (Lost) is directing! No pansy-like Anakin-I-Can't-Act character in that movie! Ha!

And Christie...time to get over the Ho-shirt. Its been 15 years!!

Jen - we would love to have you come to the next get-together! You can sit with the little men in white coats who monitor us!

Christie said...

LOL Tasha and the dust bunnies! Seriously when Iwas in labor with Jake, I had a witch for a nurse who gabbed about suicide rates and compared coupon stories with my mom. Real nice.

Jen, when the clan gets together, it is scary. But you can come for a good laugh!

Tonya said...

1. Grace is so funny. I often find my kids in strange positions, with weird things in their beds, but never under their bed. Funny girl!

2. Di-tto.

3. I am always impatient during pregnancy. At conception, I count down the days until eviction.

4. Nathan is a fantastic name. I really, really like it.

5. That is disgusting and makes my skin crawl. Anyone who spends that much money on a baby stroller needs to have their head examined. IF you have enough surplus cash, please donate it to a good cause. There are starving children all around the world ya know.

6. Never noticed that before, but you better believe I will be checking out my next PB catalog.

7. Imaginary friends are the best. Unless they make messes, then they have to go to time out.

8. Legos are so awesome. I think they might be my favorite "boy" toy.

9. Wow, very intriguing picture...

I wish I had a secret way to get her to induce you. She is Miss-By-The-Book though! Maybe you'll go into labor or your water will break a bit early. 38 weeks is PERFECT!

Christie said...

Eviction! LOL! That makes me feel better Tonya. I don't mean to be ungrateful that my body can harbor a child, but sometimes I, too, feel like Sigourney Weaver in Alien. I do love my little alien though.

UGH! I do not like my doctor anymore! She is not friendly at all (she used to be!). I think the ski accident a few years back altered her demeanor. Now it is super phony niceness. And she basically lectured Grace on taking naps so mommy can rest. Nice idea, but her tone was kind of mean. Grace wanted to stick her sucker in her hair, I could tell. Oh well, only 8-9 (feels like 97) more weeks to go!

Tonya said...

Yeah, I agree, she is pretty cranky now. It gets under my skin when she is ready to leave the room, plasters on a big smile and says, "now, do you have ANY questions?" super sugary sweet. AAAAHHHH! I want to scream at her everytime.