Grace and I made cupcakes today, inspired by the red and blue sprinkle frosting I found at Target. Some pics...

I don't need help! Back off...
Cracking our first egg...

Ha! Sorry, but this was hilarious. She did not like the feeling of the egg on her fingers, and dumped the whole thing in the bowl. Then she was bummed because she thought she blew it. (She has her daddy's cavernous mouth. )

Licking the spoon was the best part!
Ryan, please do not leave murderous rap lyrics in relation to our unborn child on the blog. You are disturbed, and most likely adopted.
Funny pictures! I never really noticed, but she does have a rather large mouth! Maybe she will get to keep her wisdom teeth! Come to think of it, aren't you the one who can put their whole fist in their mouth???
I bet she was so excited to give Jake and Daddy a cupcake when they got home!
And thanks for FINALLY posting something new!
What is this? A new post? HOOOORRAAAAY!
Okay. How fun does this look??
Grace is DARLING. These pictures make me want to have a daughter, grow her hair long, and pile it on top of her head in an awesome bun. LOVE it.
Oh what a great way to start my Friday! A new post, some old school tunes and Grace's beautiful face.
I don't hear any music. I'm still waiting. Those are the cutest pictures ever. Grace is adorable. I love the last one. She has the cutest smile. You do such fun things with your kids. You are a great mom.
Still waiting for the music. Nothing.
These photos are HYSTERICAL! You should submit the "wide mouthed frog" to the Parade magazine photo contest when it starts again.
But - I recommend a session with a number of eggs and a bowl - "let's crack eggs!!" Otherwise Grace will be scarred for life and never bake again, like her grandmother.
When Grace's grandmother (old creaky . . . ) was about 5, I undertook to make brownies with her. Unfortunately (not my fault, but the fault of either the packager, the store, or the housewife, um. . . ), the box of brownie mix (our mother purchased) had bugs in it, and when we opened it, we had to throw it out. Grace's grandma believed (somehow, I do not understand the reasoning) it was all her fault, and never baked again in her whole life. Sorry.
So, if you don't want Grace to eschew eggs forever, you'd better have an egg-breaking marathon, pronto.
old creaky . . . ????? You will pay for that comment. Wow.
And I DO remember the weevils (or whatever they were...) ugh!
Wow Christie you really captured Grace in all of those photos. She is so CUTE!
All I have to say is that you can never get mad at me for bribing your children with toys to like me. Since you apparently bribe them with cupcakes.
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