I am so depressed. What will I do with myself on Wednesday nights? Please. What will I do any night w/o Heroes, Lost, Grey's, Office, etc.
Just wondering ... Matt and I were laughing so hard when Juliet said (all quiet, looking serious as usual), "I know where there are guns." Of course she does! Every time someone needs something, she busts out with a location. "Sun, you are pregnant? I know where there is an ultrasound machine..." "Your radio is jammed? Here, directions to our underwater radio station..." We were waiting for someone to say, "Man I am hungry," so Juliet could reply all whispery, "I know where there is a Togo's..."
Also, DIE people! Locke is so annoying, we were stoked when he was dead. Both of us groaned when he woke up to see Walt, aged 22 (???). The russian pirate has been killed 46 times. And for crying out loud, kill Ben. If I have to look at those beady eyes next season, I will ... probably just keep watching, but be kind of annoyed.
WHY did Charlie die? Why couldn't he go out the door, then close it? Or why didn't he swim out the window? And Penny, get a life! Does she just stare at the web cam all day, she just happened to be logged on?
So many questions, too much time to think about the answers. I can't wait for next season!
Thanks a lot. I still haven't watched it but now I know that Locke and Charlie die. Great. I love the new look of your blog. The blue is very calming. Did you choose it because you're having a boy? Is that Jake's hand holding the ripped piece of paper from the newspaper? Probably.
I had a pp moment when I read the part about Juliette knowing where a Togo's was. Thank you for using my favorite eatery as an example.
I think we'll watch it tomorrow night. Dave has no idea what happened. Also, Walt returns, age 22? HAAAAAAAA!!!! And if that Russian pirate is still alive after being fried by the magical fence and beat up by Locke and Sahid, then I will ban the show for sure.
After reading your and Shauna's blog, I though Ben was dead. I will be pi---- if he is still alive. I HATE him.
Love the blue.
Okay, I am very frustrated, too. Charlie shouldn't have died, but the pirate and Ben, and Locke need to. Ugh. I was so glad when Jack beat up Ben. He needs his butt kicked.
AND, I don't want Jack to be a druggie/alcoholic. Where is that story line going? Double ugh.
Who's funeral do you think it was?
I was happy with Heros, but Grey's? ENOUGH already. I hate shows that don't let the main character live a happy life. And George failing out? I know he wants off the show, but couldn't they come up with something better than that? Very disapointed.
Hmm, what else? Still have to watch ER and Earl. Yes, we love My Name is Earl. Hysterical.
How are you feeling? When are you due?
WAAAAAAAAAA! I have know idea what all this means, but I'll cry with you anyway!
did I seriously just spell No like "know" that is crazy. Yes I do have higher than a 3rd grade education!
Robyn, please watch ... the last hour especially. Also, I forgot about the magnet fence, haha! That was hilarious, with the foamy mouth, and 5 min. later he was back from the dead.
Tonya, I don't know who the obit is for, but click on the pic b/c it says John Lantham, or something like that. It is probaby the russian pirate who survived the grenade, swam to shore while being hunted by sharks, and finally died of a stubbed toe.
Heroes was so good, and I'm with you on Grey's. All of those people need some Wellbutrin or something! I can't name one happy thing that lasted longer than 3 epsiodes.
I am due on 9/11! I will use that to my advantage in asking for induction on the 10th, haha. Whatever, my doctor was NOT nice last appt. so I am not counting on any favors. I feel good right now.
Jen, thanks for the sympathy tears. Also, babies turn our intellingence into mush, so all spelling errors are obviously forgiven!
Wait, Who's you OB again? I KNOW we talked about this before, but I can't remember. What did they say to you that was not nice? I hate it when the doctors get their panties all in a bunch and then take it out on their patients! How rude!!!!
Dr. A. She was upset because I gained a little too much wieght last month. She then gave me "pointers" on how to eat better. For example, do not put mayonnaise on your sandwich. Mmmm, yum! I almost started crying in her office, but oh well. Do people switch dr.'s mid-preg.? I probably won't, but I'm just wondering.
Wow. So we got back from Vegas and watched LOST last night. When Jack was obsessing over the obit, I told your father that some idiot would have it enlarged and posted on the web. I am not kidding.
Okay so the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Read this....
Jacks obituary
The body of John Lantham of New York was found shortly after 4 am in the 4300 block of Grand Avenue.
Ted Worden, a doorman at the Tower Lofts complex, heard loud noises coming from the victim's loft.
Concerned for tenants' safety, he entered the loft and found the body hanging from a beam in the living room.
According to Jaime Ortiz, a police spokesman, the incident was deemed a suicide after medical tests. Latham (sic) is survived by one teenaged son.
Memorial services will be held at the Hoffs-Drawlar Funeral Home tomorrow evening.
Well, what do you think? Teenage son? Michael? Hmmm...
Hmmm. I thought Michael too, but why would Jack cry? I think maybe Ben, but is that too obvious?
I have now reached a new low....I just used an anagram generator to try to determine the "hidden secrets" in the obit.
Drawlar = Raw Lard
Lantham = Halt Man
Jaime Ortiz = It Majorize
Ted Worden = Wed To Nerd
Relax! All is not lost! "Hell's Kitchen" premieres soon!
OB's are "not nice" when they criticize one about her weight gain. I know that from personal experience, having gained over 40 pounds with each pregnancy - ("Hey, what's another trip to Baskin Robbins when I'm so fat anyway!"). It's not the mayo that's the problem, it's the chocolate shakes. . . . Um, both of my kids hate mayo and love chocolate shakes - some meaning in that?
So here's my tip: you make the appointment for the first thing in the morning, and don't eat breakfast, and then on the way home you stop at McDonald's for the "Big Breakfast," the one with the sausage and egg and pancakes, etc. Danny is make out of "Big Breakfasts."
Hi Christie, That anagram generator is hilarious and makes me like you even more! I think you have solved the mystery of Lost with "wed to nerd."
I love Lost! I even liked the episode where Paulo and that girl were buried alive. It was so Twilight Zone/Stephen King.
I totally thought it was Sawyer that had died, since no one went to the funeral. Ever since he killed Locke's dad, the mean switch has been turned on in him. But, then again I hadn't thought of enlarging the newspaper clip! I also think that Kate is pregnant with Sawyer's baby. Imagine a cage baby. But the teenage son thing? John Locke? Is there another John? I don't think that Locke would leave the island.
That is hilarious about Walt being 22? What is it day 90 on the island or something? And Penny sitting in front of the webcam. You are hilarious.
Maybe next season will be present day with flashbacks to the island rescue. I am still hoping that Charlie swam out the porthole window.
I still want to have a Lost party and diagram all the connections--like Jack and Claire having the same dad and Libby being in the crazy house with Hurley, and Sawyer meeting Jack's dad and Jack's dad being the original Sawyer and Sawyer passing Kate in jail and the fact that Ben was William Hinks on the Practice. J/K. WE still refer to him as William Hinks while watching Lost. We also refer to Jack as Charlie from Party of Five, but that makes the whole Charlie, Charlie thing confusing.
I meant Locke's dad being the original Sawyer. I confuse even myself.
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