Joking aside, yesterday was Matt's birthday! We spent most of the day visiting his Grandma near Pasadena, which was nice. After that we came home and had
this cake (which was so good and easy!) Grace helped...

Most of his birthday celebration was on Friday, since we knew we would have a big lunch Saturday. Matt has been saying for a while now that he really wanted to try authentic Chicago style pizza. We have looked around the area, but can't find a place that serves it. (Is there a place in RSM? We heard a rumor...) Anyway, for his birthday I ordered
pizzas straight from the windy city. They came via UPS (of course!) packed in dry ice.

The kids and I had a fun time making our home into a Chicago pizzeria. Jake made signs and place mats, and Grace helped by playing in balloons. We set the table as Chicago-y/Italian-y as we could, and set the mood with some opera courtesy of Music Choice.

When Matt arrived home, he was greeted by a charming waiter and lovely waitress. They sat him at his table and served him drinks, appetizers and salad. Finally the pizza was cooked, and we all enjoyed the foreign treat. (I kind of like Pizza Hut better, but don't say anything.) Matt was really surprised, and it was really fun to get the whole thing ready. He does SO much for us, that it really is a treat to be able to do things for him.

(I had to post these cuties. Grace wanted a mustache like Jake, but settled for tacky eye shadow and some lipstick. They are the best.)
How fun! The kids look so cute - love Jake's "Mario" look! Fun that you decorated the house and got the kids involved. So what is the difference between Chicago pizza and Pizza Hut pizza anyway?
And more has happened to you besides laundry, dishes and scraped knees....are we getting a little lazy mid-pregnancy?? Tsk, tsk.
Oh, finally! I almost didn't even click on your name because if I saw the words "Lend a hand" one more time, I thought I was going to have to lend you some choice words.
The kids look adorable. I love Jake's mustache and Grace's pink glittery shoes, of course. And apron. That's great.
I love the checkered tablecloth and tulips too. You are such a thoughtful wife. The pizza looks so good on the website, even if it is a picture of a house under construction. And I think I'm going to make that cake soon. It looks so good. SOOOOOOOOOOOO Gooooooooooood! I am so hungry, I want it now. Great job, Christie. I know Matt probably loved coming home to that.
I can't stand it, Jake's face in the last picture is hilarious! He looks like an Italian pizza owner.
Oh, I just read the recipe and I think it's important to not that it says to use "unwrapped" ice cream sandwiches. Good advice.
Baby steps, Robyn. You should sign up for their magazine, that is where I first saw the recipe (and where I get a lot of other good ones). You can do it on their website.
Also, I crumbled up Oreos and sprinkled them on top of the cake. It looked really nice. I am practically Julia Child now.
What's this? A new post? YAY!
Okay, first let me just say, that you guys are one of the funnest families I know. How awesome are you?
There is a great "chicago pizzaria" in RSM. It's really good. It's called Selma's. I highly recommend the "Mothership" dessert. Warm, freshly baked brownie, topped with vanilla ice cream. Delish.
AND, I get that Kraft mag, too. I saw that cake, and I think there is another one similar, and thought, okay we are for sure making this soon.
First- My mouth just watered when I went to the site for the Oreo cake, Yum!
Second- Your family is the cutest ever!
Third- YES there is a fantastic Pizza place in RSM SELMA's. It has great pizza that Jay loves! And one of the best brownie and ice cream thing ever!
Oh Man, I just scrolled down and saw that Ton told you pretty much what I just wrote. Oh well you have to read mine anyways!
Robyn You are HIL-LAR-IOUS! I think that if ever Christie and you and I were in the same room, I would seriously have to wear a depends! Then Add Christie's mom.....forget about it! I would be rolling on the ground laughing so hard. You know....the kind of laughing that snoopy does on the cartoons where he's rolling on the ground and holding his stomach......crying and all!
That looks like so much fun! A real production, and the waitstaff looks espectially attentive and appealing . . . Hope they got big tips. . . .
Reminds me of "Trattoria Millerini" which I put on for some of my friends in high school - with the tablecloth, but sans mustache. . . .
Ryan, you are so lame! I actually thought it was them for a sec.
Aunt Mary, the mustache, may have been just the ticket! Kidding! But maybe after a few margaritas you will be more willing - hehehe (spoken in sneaky designated driver voice).
Ryan, you are so lame! I actually thought it was them for a sec.
Who is "them"???
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