Wednesday, May 30, 2007


So, within the past couple of weeks I have had numerous people tell me how hard the transition is from two kids to three. I'd previously thought that one to two was the big change, and since that was pretty easy for us, I assumed that having one more to the mix would be no problem. Now I am panicking.
Probably because Jake and Grace have been participating in a Mommy Insanity contest, each of them neck and neck in causing me to lose the few marbles I have left. The other morning I heard the kids playing/engaging in a riot, capped off with a SCREAM from our lovely daughter. Matt thinks that the car alarm that went off simultaneously was coincidence, but I beg to differ. At the same moment, the baby started playing hacky sac with my bladder, and I began to question our reasoning: we are going to be outnumbered!

Not only that, but the kids we have managed to keep alive up to this point seem to have issues. Jake is a 16 year old trapped in a 6 year old body. He clearly thinks his parents are a couple of idiots he is forced to live with until the world finally notices that he is indeed ruler over all. The other night I launched into a merciless (and possibly loud...) lecture that rang of, "I do so much for you; take you to the park, parties, playdates, blah, blah, and what do I get in return? Disrespect?" My pitch actually changed mid speech when I realized that I have turned into my mom (another troubling fact, for another blog post). Not only that, but look at what he requested from the hairdresser the other day...

Sure. Cookies today, rehab tomorrow.

Then there is Grace, with her own addiction problems; namely the binky. We have now stripped the binky usage down to mid-day naps only. This is actually a selfish move on my part, because she could probably go without those naps now, but I could not. Grace is also fond of using her vocal cords. She screeches when things are not going her way (which is often with a tyrant brother around) or when we try to dress her in anything but her Easter dress. It drives me NUTS. I am sure their is a petition circling the neighborhood, bound to get us evicted.

"This is what I think of pants."

Before you call Child Protection Services, please know that I only worry about these "quirks" in my children because I would throw myself under a bus, or even skip watching a season of Heroes, to ensure that they grow up happy and mostly normal. I love them with ferocity, and do not want to fail in raising them. So for now I will focus on the fact that Jake is very good about helping me around the house, and he often asks me how my tummy is feeling, thus demonstrating compassion. (For Mother's Day, he even filled in the blank, "My mom is prettiest when..." by saying, " when she is pregnant." So sweet ... but a shame that I will be forever ugly after 4 more months.) And Grace makes us laugh at least 874 times a day, gives good kisses, and inspires us to spin around the living room before falling into dizzy heaps. And they both LOVE each other.

Besides, isn't the third time a charm?


Anonymous said...

Has Jake gone emo or something?

Christie's Mom said...

Mmmmmwwwwwwwwaaahhahaha! Payback! What goes around comes around! (No doubt, Jake and Grace are both reds...)

Troubling fact???? Ha! One can only ASPIRE to be me! You wish.

(Great post...)

Robyn said...

Who is bruce campbell? THIS is the post you were feeling bad about? I'm never believing you again. This is hilarious and of course you ended it with your true feelings about your children. I know you love them. You are a great mom. I've learned so much from you.

I think Jake's mohawk is awesome. He really does look 13 in that picture. I mean, 4. And Grace is a typical 3 year old who loves to hear her own voice. Jake is so nice to Trent and is going to be a great big brother. Little Boy 3 is going to love his family!

Christie's Mom said...

I forgot to tell you that you are correct (er, RIGHT). The third time IS the charm. I, of course, am the third child in my family... You are so lucky to have me around!

Tonya said...

okay, not to scare you but number three has been a bit harder to adjust to. But, I do have all boys (they are a bit crazy) and they are all very close in age, so my perspective is a bit squewed. In retrospect, I wouldn't have changed a thing. The first few months were hard, but when is having a newborn NOT hard, but it is getting easier now. And, the boys all love each other SO much, it's so worth it.

I like Jake's mohawk and I'm pretty sure Grace couldn't get ANY cuter.

Anonymous said...

Well HELLLL-OOO!!! OF COURSE the oldest is smarter than everybody else . . .

Not to worry Christie! Your children are the greatest gifts you can give to each other. Jake will alternatively watch over, pontificate over, and make cutting sarcastic remarks to, his younger brother, and Grace will alternatively squish him hard with love or with rage. He'll love it! He'll have this amazing relationship with each of them that you will barely be able to understand, but it will work! In the meantime, I have a great colorist for when that beautiful hair goes gray, like mine did . . .

And if you want, go ahead and buy spray on color for Jake's mohawk. Robbie had some for a while.

By the way, you are not turning into your mother. She turned into HER mother, and SHE turned into HER mother, etc. etc. So you are actually turning into some 76 year old toothless pioneer woman with 10 children who lived in a log cabin on the Nebraska prairie in 1840.


Christie's Mom said...

AAAAHAHAHAHAHA! "Toothless pioneer woman" Thats hilarious!

And you are so not smarter! I'm telling mom.

Christie said...

LOL! That is hialrious!!! (Pioneer woman) But I don't think Laura Ingalls ran around the house shouting, "Poo poo!" And did Almanzo pout all day over no video game time? That's it. We are getting a farm. Or a flower box with seeds, one of the two.

Mom, how did you do italics? Getting pretty tricky!

Christie's Mom said...

When you "Leave your comment", you see this statement below the box: You can use some HTML tags, such as...

I use HTML at work sometimes - here is a link for the basics:

I tried using color once on my comment, but failed. I think you can only do the three HTML tags they list.

Jen said...

I'm Sorry, but I have to say it, I'm totally stealing your phrase.....MAJOR PP MOMENT!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

I can't offer you any advice about going from 2 to three, seeing how I only have the one and she's all I can handle right now. But I can tell you that your kids are turning out just fine (as far as I can read) and you will do an amazing job with #3. That baby boy is so lucky to be coming into such a wonderful and hysterical (in a good way) family.

So what's his name again, or did you reveal that yet, I can't remember. See this is my brain only after one!You're still functioning normal after 2 and a half so I think you'll be fine! I'll be in a straight jacket for sure by the time I have my third.