Monday, December 11, 2006

Have You Been Naughty or Nice?

These elves want to know....

(Okay, so it is too hard not to have fun with some of the filters on Photoshop. )


Anonymous said...

Wow....those elves look little like my grandkids. They also look like a cross between a Vulcan and an Andorian (google image it). Hmmm....I believe that some Trek has seeped into your psyche after all!

Robyn said...

WHAT THE HE................?

Christie said...

If you want me to do one for Trent, just ask!

Jake wanted to use that for the Christmas card! Haha! Please, like I would use an edited photo for our card! Ha! Ha...

Robyn said...

Ha!!!!!!!!!! Like I would ever do that.I'll email you one of the fam in a minute.

Anonymous said... know you could make some serious money turning people's kids into elves, gnomes, fairies, Star Trek characters etc. I don't believe its been done. Hmmmm. The greeting card industry might never be the same.

I'll be your agent. 60/40 (me/you)

Robyn said...

I've got some ideas of my own....(50/40/10) (Robyn/Melinda/Christie)

Anonymous said...

Robyn you drive a hard bargain, but I can be stubborn! 45/45/10...
