Friday, November 02, 2007


On Halloween we went trick or treating in my parents neighborhood. The doors of the 200+ units are like 10 feet apart, so you end up with a ton of candy. We had so much fun. Here are some pics...
Hurry up and take the picture, Mom.

Wow. He is so cute. Seriously.

Rosella, the Barbie Island Princess

Clone Trooper!

Family Picture! Why is my mom's cat in the shot? Also, why is the cat as big as Grace?

After trick or treating, we returned to my parents, obviously expecting to see my mom cozied up on the couch with Nathan, cooing and hugging as warm grandmas do. Instead we found Nathan in his chair plopped in front of the boob tube, watching this:

It is like Baby Drac, Tunes of Terror, or something like that. Basically it is a pumpkin with flickering flames, which Nathan found mesmorizing (great - future fire starter...) and in the background plays the soothing sounds of bats, winds, ghosts, screams, etc. My mom rushed in to see my mouth agape, exclaiming, "Yeah, he LOVES that!" Apparently she was right, as he late began mimicking mummies:

Please stop growing up!


Jen said...

He Does look like a mummy in that picture, HAHAHA!

Red Hot Chili!

Clone Poocher??? (that's how my nephew used to say trooper)

Barbi Island HUH???

Kids costumes are getting way too complicated for me now. Great, so when Makena is old enough to choose her own, what do you think the title of it will be?

Christie's Mom said...

Be nice. Poor Chewy is sensitive about her size. She is just a big-boned kitty...

That was fun - the kids looked great in their costumes - Grace really looks like you in that picture!

Time to dig through the dvd collection and look for the Yule Log! I do believe that I have found the answer to all parents who need a few minutes peace! We could make a million! The PYRO BABY DVD Collection! - what do you think???

Tonya said...

Those pictures are so great. I love their costumes. And, maybe it's just the angle, but that cat looks HUGE.

Jen said...

Christie's Mom, I'll be your first customer!!

Christie's Mom said...

Thank you Jen! I will give you a great discount!

Jen said...

Hey,I think I saw a rosella doll in the Target add in the paper today. I totally thought of Grace.

I told Jay, "look honey, a barbie Island girl doll thing" He looked at me like I was on something.

Robyn said...

Whoa, those are awesome costumes on them. Who the heck is Rosela? Is she the one who sings "And on my island?" on that commercial that I hear all the time? I guess I better start learning about Barbies and My Little Pony's now...

Can you save that Barbie costume for "Kentlynn" to wear in 5 years? Until I think of a name for her, that's what I'm going to call the baby for now.

Christie's Mom, Sorry but that cat is huge. But don't tell her I said so.

Trent used to sleep like Nathan with his arms stretched out like that. I loved it! Nathan is one hot chili pepper.

Christie's Mom,

Robyn said...

Why did my comment end with "Christie's Mom?" Reading that always reminds me of that song, "Stacy's mom has got it..." I really like the tune to that song.

Christie's Mom said...

Okay, so I looked at the picture with Chewy again - she is a big kitty, but I think Tonya is right - the angle makes it look worse. Look at Grace's feet! Frodo!

Um...and "Stacy's mom has got" WHAT exactly????

Jen said...

Tag, your it! Stop eating your bon bons and get to it. I'm sure you have a ton of time on your hands HA!

Jen said...

Oh, I should have told you to go to my blog to see what I mean.