Birth Announcement. I love that picture of him.

Grumpy boy.

He looks like Matt and his dad.

Is he not doing the rock n roll hand figuration?

Cute ghost.

Sleepy with big bro.

What happens when Daddy watches him.


I love him so much I could eat him.
I am so glad you're finally back in the blogging world. Let's hope this lasts. He is so adorable. I love the picture of him in that outfit with the little shoes! Oh my goodness, he looks like a little man. You and Matt sure make good looking kids. And I love the picture of Jake holding him. You can see how thoughtful and tender Jake is with him when he's holding him.
Please come by our house tomorrow night on the way home from your mom's. We're giving out good candy. It is on the way home, right? Just a few miles out of the way....
Yay! FINALLY you are blogging again! 'Bout time you stopped the lazing around eating bon-bon kick you've been on lately...
Love all the pics - the one with the shoes and cap is especially cute!
Welcome back! Nathan is SO cute. I know exactly what you mean about wanting to eat him up. Just yesterday, I asked my husband if he would be mad if I took a chunk out of Asher's cheek. YUUUUMMMMY babies.
I almost sent out the search party for you to see if you were still alive. But then I remembered how I felt.....
I hope Matt took all the underwear out of the basket before he took that picture of the laundry...HA!
He's a looker. Such a lovie.
When are you up for ice cream or something? I need to see him!!!
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