Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Big(ger) Brother

Jake is great. He seems so much more grown up these days. He dotes on Nathan and has been really sweet to Grace. He is doing so well in first grade, and enjoying his karate class. I am lucky to have his help these days!


Robyn said...

He is so handsome. In the third picture, he kind of looks like Wentworth Miller. Wow, whoa. I mean..watch out ladies.

Christie's Mom said...

These are great photos of Jake - he is becoming a handsome young man! I framed the second one already!

I will have to try to attend another karate class - the one I attended was a "kick"! (haha - I am so clever....uh....nevermind)

Who is Wentworth Miller? Miller was my maiden name, but what kind of name is "Wentworth"? - sounds snobby.... (er, if there are any Wentworths reading this...um...sorry but it does!)

Melinda said...

Your baby looks even smaller in Jake's arms. Isn't it weird to remember that Jake was that small? I was holding Taylor this morning and my husband mentioned how big she looked in my arms. She's not a baby anymore and that makes me sad. You have good looking children.

Tonya said...

Such a handsome guy!! I bet you are LOVING his help. SO nice!