Tuesday, September 04, 2007

In a nutshell...

... there is no baby yet. Tomorrow I see the dungeon master, aka my doctor. Nathan is a crazy boy, taunting me all day with punches and under the rib kicks. I Am sure he will be mellow when born ... ha!

... Jake started First Grade today! Sparing you the "I remember when he was just a wee little one ... it seems like just yesterday" talk, I will say that I had a good cry and only thought about him, oh, 684 times ... per hour. I love my Jake.

... I took Grace to the Zoomars Farm/Petting Zoo in San Juan. I have been complaining a lot the past week (or two...) about just wanting to get this baby out, BUT I must say that the blessing in not having him early is that Grace and I will get some "Girl Time" before the extra testosterone joins the clan. After the farm, we went to Toys R Us and I let Grace pick a toy ... she chose pom poms and danced around our home with them all night.

Two, four, six, eight!

Who do we want out? Nate!


Jen said...

Dungeon Master...MWAHAHAHA!

How fun! I have never been to that farm. Looks like you gals had a great time.

Jake is so sweet and so handsome in his "first day of school" clothes.

Way to be positive. It's okay to be whiney and complain-ey when you're miserable. I understand completely.He'll be here soon enough. Enjoy your girl time

Christie's Mom said...

Love the pictures - sent them to Costco to send to the Great Grandmas!

Jake really looks old! Make sure he knows the cardinal rule - DO NOT give your phone number out to girls! It used to be Junior High, but this rule now must be used in elementary school! You may laugh, but ITS TRUE! Some little first grade girl has probably already snapped his picture on her pink rhinestone encrusted cellphone, and is showing it to all her friends in her clique and plotting to acquire his phone number...

Pom poms???? Couldn't you have steered Grace over to the puzzle and educational section of the toy store?

Since you have failed to produce Nathan during the week and a half I had off, you must now shoot for Friday. In the event that you fail (again), I did buy (gag) bologna for Jake for school lunches...

Christie said...

Induction scheduled for next Wednesday! I brought the doc brownies and it worked like a charm.

Jen, don't you work on Thurs.? Yipee! You can change all the diapers, since I know that is your favorite part of the job!

Mom, Jake got his first digits last year in Kind. We put them in his "special box" so he will always remember Trisha.

Tonya said...

Your kids are SOO cute. fun that you got to spend some quality time with Grace.

I'm so glad you have an induction date. Maybe you will be lucky and go into labor on your own before then. I work tomorrow, that would be fun!

Robyn said...

Next Wednesday? Perfect. I'll be home Thursday in time for you to push. Jake looks so handsome. He kind of looks like Trent to me. I can't believe he goes to school all day long now. Well, if you call 2 all day long. Let's stretch it to 3 shall we?

Someone I know whose name rhymes with "Felony" went to see your doctor (Marg) today and said she was in there for like 3 minutes for her appt. If she would've chosen Annie, she would've had a long, quality visit. I'm thinking mine will be around a half hour, maybe even an hour, it just depends on how much we have in common.

Grace chose pom poms? She is so cute. Sign her up for cheerleading!

Christie's Mom said...

Okay, time out. There will be NO tiny-tot cheerleading class. Gag. No. I will disown.

And who is this little floozy Trisha? Does Matt need to speak to Jake about "those kind of girls"???

So in addition to Nathan, I may get to meet i'm jen! and Tonya next week! Yay! I promise not to humiliate and embarrass you toooo much....ha!

Anonymous said...

Glad you got a date! If only brownies worked with Nate! I think Grace looks darling with her pom poms, Granny.

And, maybe when Granny was a pup romances started in Junior High, but I received an engagement ring in first grade, so it's never too soon. (I still have it in my jewelry box - my "fiance" got it as a prize at the dentist). Yes, Jake will always remember Trisha . . .

C'mon out Nate and join the fun!

Christie's Mom said...

Glad you saved the ring m-e!
I bet its worth something - we'll have to take it to the next Antiques Roadshow appraisal session!

Ha! -Granny

Jen said...

Hey, I tried to call you today! No answer, Are you having that kid or what?

I thought I remember you were going in on Tuesday? Call me, let me know!!!

Christie's Mom said...

Nathan is here!!!!

8 pounds, 10 ounces

Family is doing great!

Jen said...

Just in case Nathan decided to blog just fresh from the womb.....


Christie's Mom- Bummer we didn't get to have our coupon conversation in the labor room.

Did Christie have good nurses? I tried to hook her up. I wish I would've been there.

Oh well, maybe next time.

Christie's Mom said...

Jen - we are going to have to go get ice cream, sorry I missed you!

Nurses were great, except one thought I was laughing at her and got mad at me - when C first got there she started off with the small talk routine and asked this nurse how long she had been working there and she thought Christie was fishing for a different nurse - maybe she was having a bad day - You'll have to ask C for her name. The other nurses are super-nice and warm.

Great hospital! Even the food was pretty good in the cafeteria!

No coupon talk this time...but I did bring a big bag full of rag magazines - honestly, Angelina needs to eat something!

Jen said...

I know exactly who you speak of. It must have been ARCI!! She's actually been a L&D nurse since....the ice age, but, she's an excellent nurse, you just have to know her really well to get her personality. I'm glad all the nurses were good though.

Let's do Ice cream soon, whenever C gets to feelin up to it!

Christie's Mom said...

Yes, that was her name - I tried hard to redeem myself for whatever I did that offended her, but with no luck. Oh well.

Okay, Christie. Lets get going here....Nathan is now 4 days old and there is NO NEW BLOG ENTRY. Sheesh.