Have you guys been hit by Chocolate Rain? It is some stupid video on youtube that has spawned numerous parodies and the guy has even been on late nite tv. Anyway, Matt and I watched the video and didn't get what all the hype was about ... until three hours later when we were all singing "Chocolate Raaaaaaain...." There is nothing remotely entertaining about it, it simply infects your brain until you will think of nothing else except chocolate stinkin rain.
Anyway, we are now 80%, 1cm, and nowhere close to induction. My doctor hates me and hopes that the baby will stay in there for three more months simply to spite me. When I mentioned stripping my membranes, she coldly sneered at me that it would be "medically unsound". Then her skin turned green, her nails grew long and sharp, she turned and flew out of the room on her speculum, cackling "See you at 48 weeks, mwahahahaha!"
Here is a picture of me at the pool the other day.

Honestly, my pregnant whinyness surprises even me.
Okay, that Chocolate Rain video is disturbing (is that guy serious?). Cute video of Grace though!
And hey, since you have an "in", do you think you could score some Sea World tickets for me and dad?
I am so gald you still have your sense of humor. I love that in your misery, you still try to entertain me! HA HA! Knowing your doctor like I do, I will never look at her again without having that hysterical image in my head!
Hang in there, it's almost over! Plus, we need ice cream first!
Oh sweet Grace, The day will come when you won't even have to try that hard to make your belly jiggle! Believe me, I just have to walk and I feel like my belly moves like that!
I need to watch the Chocolate Rain video, but do you have any idea how adorable Grace's version is? SO awesome.
Sorry, you doctor does not have one ounce of mercy in her body because she has never had the pleasure of carrying another human being inside her body.
Trent keeps making me watch that video. It is hilarious. I've never seen that video but I guess I need to. Grace is seriously a pretty good comedian.
Ahaha! Now you, too, will suffer Robyn. Seriously, we are still singing it.
Tonya, LOL! Tell us how you really feel. Seriously, though, I think you might be right. She is merciless.
Jen, we will be eating ice cream whether it be in the delivery room, or at the shop.
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