Well, friends, the torch/swim cap has been passed. Grace started swim lessons. The next generation, striding forward in style, ready to break boundaries and obliterate achievements from days gone by ... Okay, so she just blew bubbles, but still.

Graduating to Stage 2. She gave the bell one small ring. She is humble.
The best part about the lesson was seeing Grace get excited about and proud of how well she did. She is always hearing us tell Jake how great he is at school/soccer/t-ball/trigonometry, simply because at his age he is doing a lot of things. I love that Grace is getting her turn now. Yesterday afternoon was all about her, and I think that was exciting for her. Every time she dunked her face in the water, she would grin, wipe her face and look right at my mom and I to see our reactions. Of course we were clapping and cheering like she just broke a minute in the 100yd. butterfly. She couldn't wait til Daddy got home so she could tell him all about it and show him the Popsicles that she picked at the store as a special treat. So cute; I love her age.
AAAAHHHHH! SO sweet. That is such an accomplishment. So how old do kids have to be to start swim lessons? 7 months too early?
Great Job Grace with the "swimming" Grace. So stylish withthe goggles. I loved swimming when I was her age!
The swim teacher totally looks like Kelly clarkson. Does Grace know who that is?
How cool is it that they get to ring a bell when they move up to the next stage? Where are these lessons?
That is so awesome. I love the photo commentary, too. The "Bo Derek" shot cracks me up.
Dara Torres watch out! Here comes Grace! I see a future butterflyer - she has the shoulders and the grit!
She was SO CUTE, and I am so glad I could see her first lesson (despite the fact that you accused me of making a scene).
By the way, Dara Torres is 40 years old now and swam a 25.0 in the 50 free recently and is shooting for the Olympics in '08! After Whozzits is born Christie, you can get back into shape for the '12 Olympics - you will only be 33!
You can experience your youth again and get up at 4:30am to practice! Woohoo!
Why not, Mom? I'll probably be awake at that time anyway!
Jen, you can take a mommmy and me class. I did it with Jake. It is mostly just something fun to do, I don't think Makena will get too much out of it. Actually, save your money and take her to the neighborhood pool. Sing Ring Around the Rosie, and there you go. Swim Lessons!
Christie, How come your pictures don't get big when you click on them? I don't like when my pictures get huge and you can see everything from hair on the floor to hair on my face!
I didn't know she started lessons. Let me know when they are and we'll come watch, although I can see Trent diving into the pool too. That girl DOES look like Kelly Clarkson. She is really pretty, but do you think I could ring the bell next time with Bo?
Christie, we need to talk about our swimming experiences! I swam FOREVER and miss it. I have started back up again at the gym and have really missed it. Breaking a minute in fly is huge too. Was that your event? What hs did you go to? Did you swim in college?
And is that the kiddie pool at Nadadores? I taught there all through high school. I wonder if I know your mom?!
Back to who the post is really about though...congrats to Grace. So fun for her {and you!}. I can't wait until my kids start swimteam.
Missy, I taught Swim America too! Did you work for John or Dana? I swam distance, and did the first two years for hs, but gave up swimming my jr. year. I totally miss it, and want to pick it up again after the baby. Were you on a club team? Also, my mom has worked there for about ten years, so you might recognize her. How funny, what a small world!
Weird! I was hopping you would write back on this comment:)
I worked for Dana. I swam all through hs and did swim club until I started running x-country.
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