Sunday, December 03, 2006

Since the last post... (A Photo Essay)

We went to Disneyland for my birthday. This is how that went...
Jake was the world's cutest Indian in a Kindergarten parade ...

How did you spend your Thanksgiving? I bet it wasn't by bowling on the new Nintendo Wii. We also played tennis. Here is my mom scoring a spare...

We also browsed ads for the following day of Black Friday shopping. I wish I had some pics of us at Target at 5:45 am to get our $10.00 magnetix and $3.99 Princess Memory, but we were too busy shoving people out of the way to take any pictures.

Jake was arrested for talking back, but Matt and I bailed him out.

Yesterday we went to Victorian Christmas in Lake Forest (Heritage Hill) with my parents. It would have been fun had I not been so obsessed with getting a perfect family picture for our Christmas card. Obsessed is being used lightly.
Here are the kids looking at an antique electric train set children played with back in the day (?). Cute dress I got Grace for $5 at Goodwill! Notice Jake's intensity. "If I plug in the A charger to the 18KB outlet, the total output will accumulate to..."

There was a monkey who would shake you hand for $1. No less.

Sorry, but it does not get cuter than her.


Robyn said...

Great pictures! When are you going to take our Christmas picture? I love the one of your mom bowling. Do you really play the game by acting out the bowling/tennis game? That is awesome. They're making it so interactive now. Who knew that exercise would be incorportated into nintendo games? They've come a long way.

I love the picture of the family at the courthouse. I think that should be used for your Christmas card. You all look so good in it and it marks a special day for your family!

Anonymous said...

Wow....too bad I don't have a picture of you bowling in style wearing the kittycat sleep pants(elastic-stretch type) and the "I Have Gas" t-shirt that you changed into after eating too much turkey. You could have put it right next to the picture of me bowling....

Had a GREAT time shopping on Black Friday! Can't wait til next time! far as the "obsession" with the family photo.....we wound up making a holiday memory that we will remember year to year (well not all memories are the joyous sort...hope the girl scouts forgave us!). At least you got some great shots!

Christie said...

Missy, thanks so much for commenting! I like knowing that people other than my mom and Robyn read my blog. I totally stalk your blog (and your sisters, and Tonya's, etc.)! How funny! It would be fun to all get together sometime!

Robyn, I think my mom is going to invite you to the Star Trek convention next year. Maybe she has a costume you can borrow. Live long and prosper!

Robyn said...

I just got it: World's Cutest Indian instead of World's Fastes Indian, like the movie that went straight to video with Anthony Hopkins. Ha! You're funny. Also, I can't believe you had to pay a dollar to shake the monkey's hand. Tell Marcel to go back to "Friends".

Anonymous said...

Okay. Enough with the attack on my trekkiness.

Robyn, if you would like to attend the Star Trek Convention, I believe it is in Las Vegas the first part of August. Christie has always wanted to visit Las Vegas. Too bad.