Sunday, March 08, 2009

I'm Allowed to Cry a Little

Because he ...

is now eight years old.

And if I wrote a post about how much he changed my life, when he came into it ... it would take up pages and pages of this blog.

Happy birthday Jake. We love you more than we could ever say, and are more proud of you each day.


Lyonslove said...

Hey Tanner's birthday is 3-7-07! Happy Birthday Jake. He looks the same as he did as a baby! You have such a beautiful family!

jamirodana said...

That is sweet Christie. Happy Birthday Jake!

Melissa Womack said...

I can't believe he is 8!!! Holy Cow, time has flown. Send him a BIG Happy Birthday from us!

Jen said...

Okay Mister GQ? He even has that, "wait, I can't open my eyes too far because, it's not cool" look.

Someday he'll get how he changed your life forever and how you made his better.