Thursday, February 05, 2009

Mom, At Least I'm Not Pregnant

Yesterday I went to Costco, and realized that I had forgotten my Costco card.

I went to the membership desk and asked them if I could get a temporary card, and the nice man behind the desk replied that he would just make me a new one.

"Great, thanks so much!"

"Sure, what is your last name? Oh, hi buddy!" He added, turning his attention to Nathan in the cart.


"Okay ... driver's licence?"

I fiddled in my wallet, trying to pull my licence out of the plastic sleeve into which it was jammed.

"Are you having fun?" the nice man asked Nathan, while I did this. "Yeah? Playing in mommy's purse?"

"Okay, here it is," I said, handing over my drivers licence.

"Thanks. Your son is so cute."

"Ah, thanks," I said, turning to look at my sweet boy.

And. Oh. My. Gosh.

There is my cute little baby, a huge happy grin on his face, arms raised up in the air in victory.

Clenched in his tiny chubby finger are about six ... err ... feminine products.

I think I melted into the ground; the mortification has fogged my memory.

"Ahahahaha!" I nervously laughed.

"Kids. They like to get into everything, huh? Why don't you step over here and we will take your picture?"


"Oh, kids are so funny," the man continued.

And that is why, this weekend, we will be getting a membership at Sam's Club.


Christie's Mom said...

Why do you think that purses come with the little zipper compartment? Use it!

Well, you probably made that guy's day. He probably pasted a copy of your picture on the bulletin board in the employee lounge and told the story over and over to each and every employee.

You can borrow my Sam's Club Card...

Anonymous said...

That is funny. And Christie, your mom is equally as hilarious as you. She needs to blog.

jamirodana said...

Hilarious Christie! hahahaha.
I keep waiting for something like that to happen. Breck gets into those things in my purse and opens them and takes them apart. Horrible! Thank goodness she hasn't pulled one out by the string in front of the CostCo membership guy:) haha

Robyn said...

The guy probably didn't even know what they were. Was he young, blonde, hot? I mean..

That is a funny story. Oh Na, Na. But I want to see your new haircut.

So how did the pictures go yesterday? I felt bad when it started raining, I promise. See you next week.

Jen said...

That is too funny. The guy probably thought it was a bunch of candy wrappers in Nate's hands.