Friday, October 10, 2008

Total Madness



"Mrs. H. (Jake's math teacher) said that she is voting for Obama."


"Yeah, she said that she was voting for Hilary, but since she is not running anymore, she is going to vote for Obama."

"She told you who she is voting for?"

"Yeah. She said that some people don't like to talk about that, but because she is nice she would tell us. She is voting for Obama."

Apparently all the kids started shouting out, "My dad is voting for Obama too!" and it turned into an Obama-fest in the classroom.

I don't really want to get all political here, but the fact that a so-called professional educator is sharing her political beliefs with a room full of seven year olds is outrageous to me. What is happening here? How are kids with parents who are NOT voting for Obama (and I know there was at least one...) supposed to feel when all of their friends are chanting "Obama!" Sheepish? Embarrassed? Maybe they will join in, since he is such a rock star, and everyone else is doing it ... sound familiar? I would feel the same way whether she was voting for McCain, Nader, Kermit, whatever. It is not her place to be sharing that information with her students.

And, since I am all fired up and probably pissing people off already, if I have to hear Whoopi Goldberg on the View say one more time, "We need to help Main Street! Where is their bailout money?!" I am going to smash a brick through the t.v. screen. You want to give money to Main Street, Whoopi? Well, guess what, THEY ALREADY DID. How the heck do you think we got here?! They gave money to main street, A LOT OF MONEY, and everybody blew it. We bought cars, boats, redid our homes that we couldn't really afford, and burned through our credit cards. THEY GAVE US MONEY AND WE SPENT IT POORLY. So, sure, take my tax dollars and help everybody out. I am so glad that Matt and I decided to stay in our small two bedroom apartment with our three kids, instead of buying a house before we could afford it. I am so glad we made that choice, and just tickled about giving some of Matt's hard earned money to help out people living in McMansions they can't afford.

And, gee, I sure hope Washingon can restore "confidency" in our markets. George, please go back to the ranch and talk to your horses who might speak your language.

Ha-ppy Friday!


Christie's Mom said...

LOL - don't hold back!

Agree with you on all of it. The financial state of the United States (and the world for that matter) is a mess. Greed was the downfall.

Whoever is the next president (and you know I don't like either candidate) is going to inherit this mess and there will be no money for healthcare reform, etc.

They say that next year "we" will be bailing out the credit card companies to the tune of 100b+ - all those folks who spent money beyond their means.... Aargh!

I share your frustration and anger.

Christie said...

Honestly, I almost feel bad for the next president, he will be twiddling his thumbs with no money left to follow through with any promises. Wouldn't it be great to see one of them come out at a stump and say, "Yeah, so all that stuff I told you I would do? It ain't gonna happen. Sorry, we're broke."

Maybe we should go buy igloos in Alaska. We can be deer hunters, and gee, golly, we could see Russia from our peepholes! We will pracitcally be foreign prime ministers! *WINK!*

Christie's Mom said...

OMGosh! Hilarious!

We are in "Laugh or Cry" is ALWAYS better to laugh....

Christie said...

And I love Israel!

(Okay, too much coffee ... must stop...)

Meggan said...

That is awful! I personally don't like Obama or McCain and don't even want to vote for President. I'm thinking about writing in Romney. :) But a 7 year olds teacher? Outrageous.

Anonymous said...

First Jake engages in this:

And by his teenage years, this:

It is inevitable. He lives but to serve.

Summir said...

i agree...i don't think it's the teachers place to share that kind of information and let it reach a point where others are chanting in agreement with the teacher. are you going to mention this to anyone at the school?

Anonymous said...

When I was in first grade, we all ran around on the playground singing "[Kennedy][Nixon] is in the White House, waiting to be elected, [Kennedy][Nixon] is in the garbage, waiting to be collected." (to the tune of the derisive chant "Nanny, Nanny, Nanny" and according to the singer's candidate preference)

Kids are smart. I bet they know just as much about politics as politicians do, and just as much about the economic situation as the economists do.

Christie said...

ME, I want them all to be in the garbage. Can we have a redo? Also, the kids do know a lot about the economy ... like if Jake doesn't have $40, then he can't get the video game. What a concept! You should have heard me try to explain the war to Jake ... "So the bad guy wasn't there ... and there were no weapons either ... and, err, I don't know why we are still there?" Bush is even making me sound like a moron.

Summir, I am still thinking about it.

Ryan, there are really no words. What in the world?! The second one is almost funny.

Meggan, seriously, Palin over Romney?! Johnny boy had a senior moment on that one.

Meggan said...

I know, I'm not a huge Palin fan. Something about her gets at me. Seems like she's just aiming to please or something.

I honestly don't even want a President with the choices we've got.

Kassie said...

Amen to that Sista!