Monday, October 06, 2008

Mom of The Year Strikes Again

My mom bought the kids a bunch of clothes on a recent trip to Vegas with my dad. Well, yesterday was school picture day for Grace, so I dolled her up in some of her new threads, and took a picture to send my mom.

My sweet girl:

Matt called me from the school, during drop off. "Hey, did you put Grace's shoes on this morning?"

"Yeah, why?"

Oh. Oops.

And here is Grace during a talent show in her room. An amazing show, if I do say so myself. This is one of my favorite segments of the show: The Magic Trick ...


Robyn said...

haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! my whole family just watched the video together. that is hilarious. and i love her outfit and think the shoes look fine too.

Cortney said...

I probably say that 14 times a day... "Mother if the year strikes again..." So funny!!

Jen said...

I wouldn't even have noticed the shoes if you didn't say anything....but that's not saying much.

Great Trick Grace. I have a list of things I'd like you to make disappear. Call me we'll talk.

jamirodana said...

haha. Funny!
I am guilty of going to get my hair done and at the end I stretched out my legs and saw that I had on two different running shoes. I laughed so hard at myself.

Christie's Mom said...


I am the MOM OF THE YEAR! Glad you liked the clothes! Thats what you meant.....right??? it just me or are the socks a bit "busy" with the skirt? Maybe they would look better with the red skirt I got?

And Cortney - have to laugh because I read your line "Mother IF the year strikes again" over and over wondering what that meant before I realized it was a typo! Haha - am getting old....

Lyonslove said...

Grace looks so cute! Where is her hat? I love the magic trick too? Does she do parties?

Melissa Womack said...

Grace is so adorable...I don't think she could get any cuter. You should post more videos of the kids on here. I love watching them. (especially when I should be working).

I didn't notice the shoes either...they looked close enough, right?