Saturday, September 27, 2008

Somebody Call Mike Rowe

The other day I took the kids to a nearby grassy meadow (or perhaps a hollow tree - quick, name the movie!) for some picture taking. We parked the car and started trekking to the field, when Jake asked, "Mom, do you want to be a photographer?"

"Maybe when I grow up," I laughed. "Right now it is just fun to have a hobby and learn new stuff." As in, a hobby different than diaper changing and dish cleaning.

"Yeah," Jake replied. "Being a photographer is, like, one of the hardest jobs I think."


"Yeah! You always have to find the good light." How funny that when I say Clean your room! he cannot hear me, but when I am talking to Matt in another room, he is apparently listening intently.

"That's true."

"I think being a photographer is like, number four on the hardest jobs. Of ten."

"What is number one?"

"Well, you know how they have horse races?"

"Mmm hmm."

"Well, the guy who says 'take your mark' and then waves the flag for the horses to go, THAT is like the hardest job! I mean, he could totally get run over and killed by the horses!"

Err. Huh?

"That is for sure the number one hardest job!" he concluded.

You can see their pictures over here...

and p.s. the movie is Enchanted. :)


Jen said...

Funny Kid!

Don't you love to see how they little minds work. You can almost see the smoke coming from their ears when they're thinking.

Hey Jake, you should, like, see how tough it is to, like, be a MOM!! HAHA!

Christie's Mom, I told you to stop taking him to the track so much.

You have a lot of skill in this hobby of yours.Can't wait to see more pics.

Robyn said...

Jake is so observant. What a funny kid. I like him.