Sunday, April 27, 2008

Die, Knitting, Die

So, I lied. I actually do want to be a domestic goddess. I do. I want to make cute yummy pastries, prepare fabulous meals, grow my own organic butternut squash on our balcony and sew cute Anthropologie aprons, Gymboree outfits and UPS uniforms for my family. Really, I do.

So much so, that I was willing to give knitting the good old fashioned second try. Perseverance, right? So I whipped out a knitting guide given to me by a friend. It is called, "I Can't Believe I'm Knitting!" See:

Knit like a pro in no time! it says. And look, that sweet girl knit all those wonderful goodies in probably less time than it takes to watch one episode of LOST. I can do this. I am envisioning the beautiful scarves I will give as gifts for people to ooooh and aaaah over, the sweet beanies atop my precious baby's head, the darling jumpers on petite little Grace (?) and the handsome sweaters I could make for Matt and Jake, even though they don't really wear sweaters. Ever.

This will be great, I think, as I open the book.

What the *&%$? "K6, P2, work, twist, blah, wah wah wah..." Why are they speaking in code??? Also, do I have to count?! That is kind of going to interfere with The Hills.

Do I really want to take advice from her, anyway? She knit herself into her own sofa, the idiot.

After deciding that this manual was not for me, Grace and I traveled to the library to find a different source of wisdom. I need a book that would speak to me and my way of thinking. You know, simple and pure, without unnecessary complications.

We found two books.

Right. "Kids Can Do It - Knitting" and "Kid's Knit, Simple Steps to Nifty Projects." Now we're talking. I quickly flipped through the pages of each of these in the library, saw the simple pictures and whipped out my library card.

These books were more my style. For example:

Yes! I totally know my left from right, without tattoos, and am therefore way ahead of the game! Afghans here we come!

Let me say that I was great at casting on. Like, awesome. I could cast on in the dark, while upside down and with my hands tied behind my back.

And yet. Then came the actual knitting. I can do the stitches okay (if completely loose or too tight is termed okay), but I noticed that as my masterpiece grew, it grew diagonally. I was either adding a stitch or removing a stitch as I when along.

(I think this is the spawn of the woman in the first book...? Brat.)

And while we are on the subject of growth. In my haste to want to have a very long scarf in a matter of minutes, I think I neglected that the scarf should actually size up to the neck which it adorns.

Oops. That is not my first piece, by the way. That, friends, is the result of many knits and unknits, tries and retries.

Matt, in his supportive way, laughed and said, "Maybe you could knit sweaters for all of those cupcakes you're going to bake." Oh, hardy. Hardy. Har. Har.

Even after encouraging emails from my aunt, knitter extraordinaire, I was sensing that perhaps this knitting business was not for me. As I pondered this, Grace in an act of simultaneous naughtiness and yet subconscious mercy, grabbed a pair of scissors and snipped the yarn. The masterpiece was apparently complete.

Adding insult to injury, I kind of wanted to keep the small piece of crab (?) I had just knit, to compare it to my future knitting projects (??). You know, to see where I began. I looked in the books and tried to follow the directions for binding off, or whatever it is called, but as I started doing it, the loops kept falling off and I was having a lot of trouble getting one stitch over the other. Still not yet wanting to part with this piece, I had another idea.

I can almost hear them playing Taps, as the sun sets on my crafting career.


Christie's Mom said...


Christie's Mom said...

I am still laughing 5 minutes later.....

Look - give up on the knitting and WRITE. You are SO much better than that dingbat in the OC Register who writes the family column. Really.

Unknown said...

I love the progress you have made! You are one step closer to knitting the perfect white surrender flag. Kind of ironic when you think about it.

Jen said...

I'm D-Y-I-N-G!!!!!

Okay, I have the same problem with crafts. I think our problem is that we want instant gratification and that goes totally against crafting regulations. You can't be in a hurry. Which is totally impossible when you're trying to run a household.

I say that you should listen to your mom.....just this one time. You need to write. send your stuff into different on-line blogs and mags and rags and whatever you find interesting.

Look up something called Federated Media. And when the people asked who discovered you....don't forget about your hem...that would be me!

What happened to the sewing?

Sarah Starr said...


I love the homemade knitting woman you have become. Although, it makes me wonder if we can still have our girls night, I want the sassy, gossip knowing, reality t.v. watching friend to be there, not martha! Are we on for sometime this week?

Anonymous said...

But I want an afghan/scarf/placemat/hankie/tiny flag/fingerwarmer for Christmas! You can't quit!
I agree with those who think you have an amazing gift - your writing. Send some stuff to the OC Reg or OC Parenting, or something! Your stuff is SO much better than the woman who writes for our local CC newsrag. Really. I know whereof I speak.

P.S. I especially want a tiny flag.

Anonymous said...

P.P.S. In knitting terms, undoing your work is called "frogging" as in "rip-it rip-it." No kidding.
I just frogged a scarf I am trying to knit for the third time.

Alicia said...

While I was reading this Sage actually ran into my room to see if I was ok...I was! I was just laughing so hard I sounded like a dying cow.

Cortney said...

Now that Robyn is back on the blog scene, I totally heart blog stalking you again!! You made me pee myself. Hilarious! You should see the first scarf I ever made... sad really!

Christie said...

Yay! Hi Cortney!

Ashley said...

Hey there! I'm friends with Alicia...and because of her suggestion, I read a couple of your blog posts. I decided to comment on this one...about your knitting, but I must admit that I really loved the post about your wedding pictures and gargantuan grandma. In fact, I laughed so hard that my husband actually asked what I was looking at on the internet. Anyway, as I read your post about knitting I thought..."I need to tell this girl that she should be a writer (if she isn't already)!" I see now that I am not the only one who thinks that you should write! Good luck...I would say you really have a gift, even if it's not knitting!

Christie said...

Thanks so much, Ashley! :)

Stacie said...

OMG. I'm dying here.

kristylynnphotography said...

Can I just say that you are my favorite?!? Like, ever.

amy (3Peas) said...

I am seriously CRYING with laughter...I took a knitting class about a month ago and was very much "WTF??" this is WAY harder than it looks!"....there goes my plans to knit my own coccoons... :)