Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Miss Grace

I was looking over our blog and sadly realized that I have written very little about Grace. Poor Grace! I promise we do love and cherish her! Here is a Grace update...

1. We are working on potty training. It is not going too well. Grace knows that she needs to remove her diaper to use the potty, but she is still working on the fact that the diaper should be removed before she goes ... uhh ... potty. We have invested in Spot Shot. The potty seat itself is very funny. When she "flushes", it sings a song and then plays a message recorded by us, the parents. Now, what you are supposed to say on this message was a bit of a mystery. "Way to pooh!" "That's some great pee-pee!" We settled on "Good job going to the potty Grace!" which still sounds weird coming from a toddler's toilet.

2. Grace is OBSESSED with Disney's Little Einsteins. She could watch the show for hours on end, if we allowed her to ... which we don't ... even when we are cleaning ... errrrr ... We are petitioning for Disney to make some kind of L.E. toys before Christmas.

3. She likes to spin around and shake her head uncontrollably.

4. She is a Daddy's girl.

5. Grace just moved to a big girl bed complete with Princess sheets! She often points to it and asks proudly, "Is that myyyyyy bed?" She is doing a great job of staying in bed - Yay!

6. Grace likes to play tea party/restaurant with her friends Baby Susie, Baby Cupcake and Dora. She thinks it is especially funny when one of them bursts into tears. Isn't that sweet?

7. She is now in the habit of asking, "Is it mowning? Is it aftanooooon?" She is trying to figure out when her nap is.

8. Grace is the cutest, sweetest most beautiful little girl. I am loving the extra time I have with just her while Jake attends school. I am so thankful for the blessings she has brought to our lives ; her sweet spirit, immense love for her big brother, her sense of humor and the big belly laugh that I could listen to all day and night, and that perfect mop of hair that I love to nuzzle my nose in and smell after my little girl has fallen asleep.

9. Also, here is a little interesting trivia for those of you who do not know. When Grace was born, we had not thought of a middle name. As cheesy as it sounds, we wanted it to begin with an 'E' so she would be Grace E. (Gracie) like her brother had nicknamed her while in utero. The night before we were to fill out her birth certificate, I woke suddenly from my sleep and thought that Emelia was a perfect middle name for Grace. I told Matt the next morning, and he agreed. A couple of days later, my dad was telling my Grandmother about Grace. My grandmother lives in Houston, and we, unfortunately, do not keep in touch as often as we should. Anyway, she asked what Grace's middle name was and he replied, "Emelia." My Grandmother said, "Oh! How did they spell that?" My dad told her that we spelled it with an 'E'. Get this - that is my grandmother's middle name! I had NO idea. How random is that?! Mom, stop rolling your eyes at my dramatic writing - that is a pretty interesting story!


Anonymous said...

Good grief! I was so imersed in "Girls Gone Wild", I didn't scroll down far enough to see this entry on your blog! Great pictures (as usual), and I am not rolling my eyes about "Emelia" - that coincidence WAS really Twilight Zonish!

Anonymous said...

Okay - now I am truly losing my mind - the piece on Grace moved! Maybe because I was reading the blog when you published it??? Really weird! I swear it was under the Girls Gone Wild! Really!

(Oh boy.....you are going to think I have had an "ELDER" moment....)

Christie said...

Mom, I never moved it ... okay, I did! Haha! You must have been reading right thwn I published it.

Anonymous said...

Well that's a relief! I thought I was losing my mind! Hahaha

Robyn said...

Another great post about sweet little Gracie! I didn't know she moved into a big girl bed!!! How exciting! I bet she loves it. She will be potty trained any day now. It's good that you're starting so young. That picture of her and Matt is adorable. It looks like she is telling him a really good story and she looks like she is ready to go to private school with her little pig tails and crisp, white polo shirt. How cute!!!!!