Thursday, August 17, 2006

"If You Can Make it This Far, You Can Make It Forever!"

That is what my good friend, Robyn, said to us Thursday on our Fourth Anniversary. Thank you for that uplifting and promising message, Robyn!

What a great day! Matt played hookie from work and we took the kids to Wild Rivers. Matt and I hoped that Jake would like going on the bigger water slides so we could alternate going on them with him. Right after arriving, Matt took Jake on Congo, which was a double innertube ride. Well, he did okay until the raft turned around and then he freaked. He was then too frightened to go on any of the other major slides, but hanging out in the toddler/kid zone turned out to be just as fun. Grace LOVED the slides and went up and down them over and over ... and over.

After Wild Rivers we returned home and prepared Jake for his first AYSO soccer practice! We recently purchased his equipment (ball, shin guards, cleats), so he was all set. He had been wearing his shin guards around the house since we bought them; very cute. He had a great time at practice, and we are hoping soccer is something he enjoys doing.

After soccer, my mom so kindly took the kids so Matt and I could go out to dinner. We went to Fisherman's Restaurant in San Clemente, which is where we had our first date. It was so nice to spend time together, alone, and we are so thankful that my parents babysat (wink, wink, see you next Saturday...?). Overall, the busy day was the perfect way to celebrate not just our marriage, but all we have accomplished during the past four years, namely raising two great kids. We feel truly blessed.

On a side note, another reason I am a lucky woman ... last night Matt sat by me and watched the best movie ever (or at least recently) Pride and Predjudice. What a man! He didn't even roll his eyes when I tearily asked, "Do you love me like he loves her?" thereby proving that, yes, he does!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the FOUR years!!! Grace looks so cute in her bathing suite. I sure hope that Jake will invite me to his first soccer game! It's great that you post pictures because my memory of what you and your family look like is fading away quickly since I never see you guys anymore:(
When is the next Girls Night??? I go back to work on the 30th!

Robyn said...

Thank you for giving me credit for my quote. For those of you who are curious, I actually made that up myself, thank you. Don't worry Christie, two more years and you'll have pearls of wisdom like that too. Didn't you just love that movie? I loved the ending. Mr. Darci, Mr. Darci, Mr. Darci.....Darcy?